Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Just in Time

I had a dream the other day that involved losing the blog. Maybe it wasn't a dream? A radio story about journaling? I thought about my journal, which is on paper and in blog form. I wondered...what will happen to the blog? How do I save it? Luckily, it's easy to download the entire blog! I did that this morning. Then I went to look at the blog page--it wasn't there! Turns out the company I used to host the "gratefuldating.net" domain had disappeared and I needed to reregister. But that meant there was literally no way to find the blog online! Well, for now, I've reverted to the blogspot domain while I set up the other one. How ridiculous! Not making any promises to readers or myself about regular posting, but at least nothing was lost. 

Grateful for: checking in. 

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