Thursday, January 23, 2025

All is well

So the good--great!--news is that Mom doesn't have cancer, or at least they couldn't detect any. That means no radiation and no temporary relocation to Seattle. The latter is a little sad but I'm happy not to have my life disrupted in exactly that way. 

All that means is that life is back to feeling normal. I am busy, biking all the time, letting work build up so I feel busy. Here I am. Boring life and boring blog. 

Now the world isn't boring. It's a horror show. Feeling powerless as usual!

Grateful for: a cancer reprieve. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


I've been in Seattle for about a week. Mom had surgery last week for a reoccurrence of her mouth cancer. Happily, her procedure took less than an hour and she only had to spend one night in the hospital. She is tired out but can speak normally and eat liquids and soft foods. 

I got to town a couple of days before surgery and overheard most of her call with her therapist. I will say, this man is a miracle. He's gone with her to some of her medical appointments and is helping her tremendously with her anxiety. He told her to try and stay in the present moment, so I've been echoing that suggestion. She will focus on the worst case scenario and it only makes her more anxious. He also said something about me and was she worried about my feelings. I think he suggested asking me. In that moment, I looked inside and I felt...nothing. I am just here. I need to be here and I am doing my best. Turns out that means adjusting the water heater thermostat, replacing the bathroom thermostat (a job much more difficult than it should've been), and replacing and wiring up a new stereo system. 

Of course I do have feelings. Back home, I dreamt about having to divvy up Mom's stuff and wondering who would want her things. It's almost impossible for me to imaging her being gone. She is turning 84 in days so it is inevitable...but I cannot quite get there. Maybe it's for the best. And maybe that blank is inside me so I can continue to function and actually be supportive. When I was little and through my early and even mid-teens I was extremely close to Mom. As a child, I thought of her as my best friend, even though I eventually had a same-age best friend. As I formed more friendships with my peers, I was able to separate more from Mom. And then I started to selectively withhold information from her, especially after I moved across the country for grad school. I used to tell her about all the guys I dated until she started to talk about losing track. She could really hit me in all my weak spots so I stopped confiding everything in her. Even in my current relationship, if I start to complain about Jimmy, she will say "I can't listen anymore" and I will have to stop. Who can you complain to about your partner if your mom won't listen? So there is a bit of rift, though we have never stopped communicating. Maybe for her all those hurts are in the past, but some of the memories are quite live for me. I wonder if it's any different because I don't have kids? I suppose I would be dealing with things in quite a similar way. And any kids of mine would be pretty big by now but I don't know if I'd be able to drop everything and come out for a week. So maybe an up-side. 

I am less worried about going home because Mom has a lot of friends and some of the folks in her building have left flowers and other small gifts at her front door. We have talked about her moving to senior housing, but I dunno, if she could get regular help maybe staying put would be the best thing for her? I know she will be a bit lonely after I leave but she will have friends to fill in the gap and she will have her space to herself again. 

That said, she will almost certainly need a course of radiation in a few weeks. I'll come back for the last half of that process, which is supposed to be the hardest part. I plan on extended stay and Jimmy will come with me that time. 

Grateful for: family. 

Friday, December 13, 2024


I've been sick for a few days. Trying to work. Been on two walks this week. Still don't feel 100%. Have to head out to Seattle next week. Busy packing. 

Not a whole lot to say today but I'm still alive.

Grateful for: rest. 

Monday, December 02, 2024

Lazy days

I had a semi-lazy long weekend. Last night (Sunday night), I had that feeling of dread about Monday and having to go back to work. I don’t know if I ever really had that feeling as a kid, though I’m sure I did. I am very busy right now, a combination of delaying some tasks, a bunch of new task, and the time-consuming nature of one specific and on-going task. Usually, being this busy propels me into action, but instead I feel tired and droopy. 

We had a very low-key Thanksgiving. I didn’t even try and find other people to spend it with, though that’s really what I wanted. My friends still usually go out of town or have their own local family gatherings. I wish I was more linked in with a regular Thanksgiving celebration. I don’t know why it didn’t happen. But I wanted a more or less traditional meal and that’s more or less what we had. Jimmy bought turkey parts—two legs and two thighs. When it came to the eating, I didn’t like my leg and only picked at it, but we had garlic mashed potatoes, which I made, Brussels sprouts, gravy, and cranberry jelly. I was happy with the sides and they filled me up. I’d made pecan bars in lieu of a pie, so that was quite a good dessert, plus some whipped cream. And we had champagne in the fridge, bought for some event but never opened, so had it with dinner. Maybe I will try harder to invite people over next year or do more coordinating in advance. We manage to get a decent crowd for Passover, so maybe we can do it another time as well. 

I took most of Friday off. I biked to my favorite semi-local coffee shop, which I malaprop-ed into “Old Sock” (if you live around here, you may be able to guess the real name). I brought my work computer and probably did an hour of the very tedious editing task on my plate. The rest of the day is a blur!

On Saturday, I decided I wanted to go to a new Japanese “grocery ” store in Rockville. I was going to drive, but my car was dead again after sitting for several months. It’s either the battery or a small animal has chewed through a wire. We took Jimmy’s car and it was kind of fun. I got a bunch of silly and practical things—some cleaning items, a few food items—and a tiny figurine that cost $28 (!!!!). Whoops—impulse cash register buy gone wrong. But we hit some kind of spending threshold so we got a “free” insulated bag that had a bunch more goodies, including a large bottle of apple juice (Jimmy likes juice, so that was a win), various candies, a noodle pack, chips…so maybe it was worth it? We then stopped at what I would actually consider a Japanese grocery store and got some frozen dumplings and other noodles. And then…since it was so close, we went to one of my favorite Chinese restaurants in the area. That was a good Saturday and I felt ok taking it easy the rest of the day. 

Sunday, I had some intentions of taking a bike ride, but instead I baked corn muffins in the morning and then sat on the floor in the living room reading for a few hours. Eventually I transitioned to the couch and watched a bunch of TV. And in no way am I prepared to work today, but without other good options, that is what I will do. 

Grateful for: lazy long weekends. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


I seriously forgot about the blog! Work got kinda busy and sucked up all my brain space. Lord I hate work! I hate it less when I'm busy but I still kind of want to be done with it. I have enough money to retire...but I can't access it for a few more years. In a few more years will T**** and cronies have f'd up the economy so much that all of my investments will tank? I'm a super cautious investor but who knows if that will make any difference! 

My work is so dull. I'm taking forever to do a close line-edit of a very long document. I'm failing to do background reading for another project where the topic is of the "important but dull" variety. 

Last weekend--no weekend before last--I went on a group bike ride in the world "Day of Remembrance" for victims of traffic violence. Good cause. Decent ride. I ended up riding with a friendly woman who is a world traveler and more serious cyclist than I, but we had a good convo and it was fun to spend time getting to know a stranger. Same thing happened the last time I did the same ride! The two people couldn't have been more different and that was a lot of the fun. I also took myself out for lunch after the ride. Ended up at a second-floor almost hidden Japanese restaurant where I'd been one other time! It was very good and I ate every bite of the katsu bowl (not the bowl itself). Then I biked around a bit more and realized I was near a well-reviewed French-style bakery and figured why not? As I was locking my bike, I started chatting with a guy and we just talked and talked. He was going to the bakery too, so we ended up hanging out and talking for probably an hour (?). We were both in relationships so it felt very easy and friendly. Kinda wish we'd exchanged info, but how odd really that would've been. Still, it was a great day for talking to new people and I miss those chance encounters I used to have when I left the house more frequently.  

Grateful for: meeting new people.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

All the rants

Yesterday on an internal call, we had a little discussion about public housing and various related things. One dude, who I have always known was a Republican said, "I'm a Bush guy, so no one will talk to me" but he also said he knew people with connections to the new someone will talk to him. Imagine openly saying you're a "Bush guy"--only one of the worst presidents in our history! And it was also reassuring to me that he didn't say "I'm a Trump guy"! How is this happening...again. 

Anyway. Today was another day where I didn't do my work. This is such a pattern. I let things pile up due to boredom, lack of initiative, or general inability to focus. The pile up causes of sense of urgency and I feel under pressure and I get things done. Sometimes it feels impossible but I tell myself, it will work out in the end, because it always has in the end. And it continues to work out. I need to figure out how to break this pattern, but, for now, I'm busy. Yay. 

Grateful for: learning (re-learning?) patterns. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


After a long weekend, I started a new volunteer gig today at the elementary school just a few blocks down the road. I was basically a lunch room/playground monitor. I hung out with the kindergarteners while they ate and then watched them play. I talked to a lot of them, introducing myself by my first name. Some of them came up to me with no introduction and asked they could go to the bathroom. Some introduced me to all of their friends. Unfortunately, while we were inside the school, I could barely hear a thing and realized the racket was making me a little crazy. I always try and carry some ear plugs and I realized I needed to put them in during the indoor portion of the event. It helped a bit. I learned a few names and talked to more and more of the kids after we got outside for recess. I focused on keeping them from hitting each other and stomping on each other's feet. I worked on separating the kids that were having the most aggressive interaction. Overall, it was energizing and felt great to be around the kids. I let them come to me and many of them did. I didn't try and force conversations. Kids at this age are kind of wild and I loved it! 

While the tutoring I used to do could be satisfying, the last few years, during and "after" the pandemic were mostly frustrating. I didn't have a regular student, the remote tutoring was frustrating, and even after we went back in person things weren't right. My last school had a really disorganized program. Often we had no kids to tutor at all. I never saw the same kid regularly and that was it for me. They tried to get me to come back but the work just didn't speak to me anymore. 

Being a calm (haha) adult presence seems about right. Some kids asked my name, if I was someone's Mom (no, I live in the neighborhood), and one said "I like you" which is huge from a 5/6-year-old. I got some spontaneous hugs--heartwarming but also a little troubling. I had a long talk with one girl who sat next to me on a bench. Another boy introduced himself and also talked to me for a long time, though I had a harder time following his conversation. There were a lot of kids--probably over 50--but my goal is to learn all of their names. That is going to take a few weeks but I think I can do it. 

Grateful for: new opportunities. 

Friday, November 08, 2024


So Jimmy is going through this thing where he wants to play rugby. He is an "old" "man" (more on that probably never) and this is a bad idea in many ways but he is obsessed with the game. He watches it a lot on TV, obviously international games, both men's and women's leagues. He even got season tickets to the local professional rugby league, which is over an hour's drive from our house. I went with him once. It was ok. He went a few times on his own. But there are a couple of rec-leagues in the area and he has been contemplating joining one. I actually understand his desire and I support whatever decision he makes. I thought he'd decided against it. I was slightly relieved because I don't want him to get injured. I was also slightly sad because I know how much he wants to play. In the last week or so he's started saying things like "when I play rugby..." I mostly ignored it but this morning I tried to have a conversation with him about it. Almost impossible! I say, talk to me! This is why I am here. For you to mull things over with. I guess this concept is pretty alien to Jimmy. He is so in his own head that the idea of sharing thoughts is alien. Same goes for sharing feelings. So he will play if he can test his stamina, test his knee. He's going to start running (haha) and in cleats (no!). He thinks he has plenty of time before the league starts up in the Spring. Sure. No. Whatever! 

Then he decided to tell me a story about something else. Someone liking one of his posts on BlueSky (he is a twitter fatalist). And it was so hard to follow. He has no sense of narrative structure, But he is very helpful with the daily NYT crossword. Yes, we had some cross words! Ramble on. 

Grateful for: someone to talk to. 

Thursday, November 07, 2024


I feel better. I can smile and laugh again. I even managed to get more work done today. The world isn't better but as I read, we're in the same world that we were in on Nov. 5 we just can see it more clearly. There are a lot of narratives of failure going around and I think the full story is quite complicated but perhaps the clearest framing is that the Rs told a better story. Their narrative of lies and fear won the day. People like stories and understand stories. It was always about the story, not the policies. 

Somehow, in that spirit, I did all my exercising yesterday. Morning yoga, bike ride, then weights in the evening. Today I've done yoga and plan on a bike ride before dark. Weights maybe too! Also we ordered-in Chinese food last night and it was very good and comforting. I'm back to listening to the news but I took most of yesterday off. I now have a fantasy about spending a week in a cabin in the woods looking at the trees and maybe soaking in a hot tub. Jimmy isn't as enthusiastic. Should I just go without him? 

Grateful for: a bit of perspective. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

I just can't

What a privilege to be able to spend the morning biking and looking at a creek as a way to deal with a country where it looks like the majority of people are willing to (re)elect one of the worst people to be the leader. Some people were shocked, others merely surprised. Some people predicted it, and now some people are glorying in the big f**k-you they just sent to all the people they deem worthless. This extreme lack of empathy is only one of the many troubling things about this election. I don't think it's the end of America or even the end of everything good America symbolizes, but it does show a country in a struggle to the death with its identity. It's been very hard to work today. 

Grateful for: being able to fight another day.