Thursday, October 24, 2024

The work day

I'm starting this post at 9:33am as I wait for a client to join a call. She hasn't arrived yet and it's odd because she's usually early. She joined! I feel quite friendly towards this client. She's 31, young compared to me. I'm often telling her little rambling asides. She's started to share more with me. It's a really working relationship.

I guess this is one of those day-in-a-life blogs. 

Work has kept popping up. And then I had to eat lunch. I took a walk around the block. I keep watching videos. I need to finish up the notes from my call this morning. I derailed my therapy session. I mused on possibly having ADHD/Autism, which seems crazy to me, but at least the first part would explain a lot of my focus struggles. Wild stuff. 

Grateful for: time to goof off. 

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