Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Contests are fun, right? (Scroll down for an update.)

A couple of weeks ago, I ordered three CDs from Amazon. One of the CDs was defective and I returned it. Instead of sending me a new copy of the defective CD, they sent me a second copy of one of the good CDs. I wrote to them and explained what happened. They wrote back, "...you may keep the incorrect merchandise with our compliments. Perhaps you can donate it to a school, library, or some other facility in your area." Plus, they're sending me a replacement of the defective CD--all at no extra charge. This may be the best return experience I've ever had.

Instead of donating the CD, I thought it would be nice to give it to one of my readers. But to whom would I give it? Who would want it? A contest, of course! But what kind of contest?

Today, yet again, I managed to stay busy while avoiding my single most important task. The task in question is to edit yet another poorly written report. A report we commissioned, the contractor wrote, which I have to fix. I've already done a couple of rounds on this thing and I'm sick of it. This is the last edit, it shouldn't take very long, but I can't face it. I even gave myself a deadline (6/29) and shared it with the boss, but for the last two days I haven't read one word of the report. Today, I was determined to spend at least an hour on the report, in 15 minute increments, but that didn't work either.

Whoever comes up with a technique that will help me get this report read, edited and out the door wins the CD.

Leave your suggestion in the comments. I'll try each suggestion for at least one day. Whichever one nets the most time spent working on the report wins! If you are an out-of-towner, I'll mail you the CD. If you're local, I'll bring it to the next happy hour.

The CD is "Lottery Winners on Acid" (an EP) by The Crimea. The music is melodic, moody, indie-pop.

Help me and win a CD! Enter a fun contest! Who doesn't love a contest?

Pele is pitching in a second prize--which is great because there are so many good ideas, I was considering adding another prize too. Her prize is a book, The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov (she bought it for me because I'd read something else by the same author that I really liked--but, in the meantime, I bought a copy too--so there is an "extra" copy floating around in our world). I'm also going to throw in a third prize--two free passes to the AFI Silver Theater. Woo hoo!

Also, a little more detail on what I'm doing: the document I have to read/edit/revise is about 130 pages long. It consists of 11 pages of executive summary, 39 pages of "body" and 86 (!) pages of case studies. This will be the third "draft" I've read and it STILL needs heavy editing. So frustrating.

Thanks in advance for all the great and funny ideas. I'm off to try some out right now....

Grateful for: help.

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