Tuesday, May 15, 2007

On posting

The first day back at work was crazy busy and tomorrow won't be any better. However, I expect to be out of the weeds by Friday. If there ever was a time to be gone for eight weeks, this was it. Also, I work more efficiently under pressure.

When I have more time to write, these are the topics I'd like to cover:
  • What's going on with the leadership shake-up at work.
  • The end of things with Kansas, for good. I know it's for the best, but it still makes me sad.
  • Last but not least, the TRIAL. I still haven't tried to write a summary, but I told the story a few times at work today and that process usually helps me hone a tale. So in the next couple of days, I'll have something to say about it.
Thanks for your patience!

Grateful for: my new/old routine.

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