I only have a few minutes to say hello. Every moment of work time was filled sending emails (personal and business) that had to go out before the weekend. I will be computer free all weekend (unless I go into the office--the horror) and I fell asleep last night drawing up a list of who to write. By the time I got to the office, I had about seven things on the list and I worked steadily to cross each one off. Go me!
Then I met with a contractor. We went to lunch and, because their office is near Dulles, they gave me a ride out here. Now I'm in this crappy rent-an-office where I must pay for internet.
I'm about to take a Dramamine and put myself out of commission for a few hours in order to survive the flight. It's a very short trip and my load is light since I'm traveling without the computer. Well, maybe not that light, since my backpack (my only bag) is full of books instead. Old school.
Have a great weekend everyone. Type to you Monday.
Grateful for: helpful contractors.
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