- Watched three more episodes of Firefly. Highly recommended.
- Did one load of laundry.
- Ran dishwasher.
- Picked up trash in front yard.
- Changed air filters in living room and basement.
- Downloaded a million old radio shows to listen to at my leisure.
- Wrote final October review for The Weblog Review. (My reviews are published under the name "Jamy Barab.")
- Bought new space heater in attempt to save on impending winter gas bill.
- Bought new doorbell ringer and got it to work. (Above two items required a visit to Home Depot. Did I mention how much I hate Home Depot?)
- Grocery shopped.
- Got drunk Friday night.
- Flirted with boys on Friday and Saturday, albeit unintentionally.
- Played softball.
- Went to book group.
- Cooked dinner on Sunday night (shocking!).
- Finish reading book group book (as it turned out, I'd read more of the book than anyone else).
- Make brownies for party on Saturday.
- Put away laundry.
- Unload dishwasher.
- Not mention that I'd just broken up with someone at Friday night party (though it seemed to be a winning strategy with the boys).
- Not send embarrassing late night text message to Tim on Friday.
Grateful for: productive weekends.
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