Friday, June 03, 2005

Not working

I'm still at work with the intention of working, but I am completely failing to work. This week I sorted out all the stuff that was piling up. I didn't finish everything, but I cleared the decks on all outstanding projects. Next week I should actually complete at least one of them. The other project is on-going and will continue to pester me, but I did enough this week that they are no longer have to wait for me. The quality of my work was good, but I lose points on thoroughness. How did I get so lazy? I'm lazily efficient.

I will stay at least one more half hour and then it's off to drink. My original plan was to see a movie and grab a beer after, but there is not one single movie I can stand to spend my hard earned money to see. Thus, I've decided to go directly to beer.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the movies with the "little sister" (my 13-year-old "mentee") and I'll probably be subjected to something as unbearable as Monster-in-Law or the one about the magic pants. Why is there a movie about magic pants? It seems so wrong. And why is Jane Fonda staring in an anti-feminist rant? Which is the lesser of those two evils? I have no frickin' idea.

I completely forgot to mention that at the happy hour Wednesday night, I caught a glimpse of Pleated Jeans. I fully intended to smile and wave at him (and not go up and say hi to him), but he was gone before I had the chance. The vaguely activist world is a small one indeed.

Now back to not working.

Grateful for: getting work done.

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