Why do cats eat their own hair? I'm watching it happen right now. I just brushed her and being too lazy to immediately carry the resulting puffs of hair to the trash, I left them on her blankie. Distracted by the twin delights of tv and blogging, I noticed some playful movements out of the corner of my eye. She was attacking the hair with delight and chowing down.
Will I start telling cat stories if I never go out on another date? (The cat's romantic life has been, ahem, truncated, but she sure gets up to some amusing antics.) Is it possible that I will never have another date? Before the online dating craze, it had been quite a while since my last date (not years, but months). I'm getting a bit of the dating itch, but then I remember how busy I am and how happy I am and I wonder, do I really want a boyfriend? I wouldn't mind some regular sex (or some irregular sex?), but at what price? Anyway, regarding the blog, I can tell you old boyfriend stories, I can dispense advice...but for how long? What is the shelf life this blog? Oughtn't I spice it up with some real-time dating stories? To this end, I considered signing up on Jdate© again to test the newly-codified-but-still-ridiculously-complex dating guidelines. But then I thought, are you nuts? Haven't you read what you had to say about internet dating? On the other hand, I thought, don't be selfish. This isn't just about you, it's for your readers. The show must go on! You are not only dating for yourself anymore.
But, if I'm not doing it for me, maybe I shouldn't have to pay for it. You know how some people ask you to donate to their blogs? What if I subscribe to Jdate©, but I ask you, dear readers, to pay for it? I would stay on Jdate© for as long as the blog-o-sphere foots the bill (or I find true love--ha ha ha!). Is that hilarious or what! Ah, I crack myself up.
These are the kinds of thoughts that come to you when you watch your cat eat her own hair.
Grateful for: never wanting to eat hair.
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